Hand engraving tools

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Still Images of Hand Engraving using the Air Chasing Graver

The images below were taken through a microscope with a video camera during the hand engraving shading process using an Air Chasing Graver.   The images are select frames from the videos.  The first set of images is of a very small die being engraved in banknote style of engraving to show the fineness of the Air Chasing Graver.  This die was later used in a 150 ton press to reproduce itself for insets in the butt of the Air Chasing Graver. The next set of images is of intertwined initials being bright cut engraved on a cylinder to depict power and control of the tool during deeper hand engraving.

Please be patient while the images load....

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Above photo: the engraved die is pictured next to a dime for size comparison.
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(Left) Finished die engraving .                    (Right) Engraving reproduced from die with coining press. 

Below images are from the bright cutting hand engraving video.
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Air Chasing Graver  |  Air Chasing Graver Videos

Email:  slindsay@lindsayengraving.com
Web:  www.lindsayengraving.com